Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New Years Resolution?!

I know I'm a little late on the whole New Years resolution. As much as I need to eat healthy or exercise like the next person. I really need to make a point to look groomed. It's a very simple everyday task. As a SHM and E-Shop owner! It's hasn't been on my priority list to change out of my sweats let alone brush my wild mane when I am chasing after a happy toddler and getting orders out. I've been happy if I shower and brush my teeth. But I think it's high time I put some effort into my wardrobe even if I'm just working from home and the only encounters I have are with my toddler, Rocky my pup and my loving husband. I think he too deserves to see me in something other than a beat up tee that may or may not have Tiny Cheetos handprints and who knows what else! So goodbye frumpy momma!